A generic silhouette of a person.

Shabir Daya

Surviving February

Depending upon where you are in the world,  surviving February can be difficult. Although the days are getting longer, they appear to be grey, dark and cold. February is considered so bleak that scientists have actually labelled a syndrome called the February Slump.

But we can all endure February with some slight changes that can make a positive difference.

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Broccoli Seeds And Their Health Benefits

We all know that eating vegetables and sprouted vegetables such as broccoli sprouts are a healthy choice and provide numerous benefits to the body however does the same apply to broccoli seeds?

Broccoli seeds and other seeds such as flaxseeds and hemp seeds are rich in essential fatty acids together with a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and so ideally one should include them in our diets, but can you consume broccoli seeds?

Benefits of broccoli

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Trinny & Shabir Live: Sluggish Brain

Nootropics to help a sluggish brain:  Between work, home life, social life and just about everything that we pack into our schedules, it is not surprising that our brains are literally burnt out often resulting in brain fog or mental fatigue. Memory loss is one of the most common fears that people have as they get older, so together with Trinny, I am going to look at steps to boost brain power and hopefully protect your memory from fading.

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Vitamins To Take In Your 40s

If you are reaching your 40s or are already in your 40s, your health should be a high priority. Eating a healthy and balanced diet and taking exercise regularly are a must, however you can further help your body by taking certain vitamins in your 40s to help support optimal function. 

There are some supplements which I consider essential in your 40s and there are others which may be important to build a foundation for optimal health.

Which vitamin should I take in my 40s?

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