A generic silhouette of a person.

Margaret Dabbs

Top Tips For Healthy Winter Feet

Our feet can often be neglected. We sometimes put our sock and shoes on and just on with our day.  
Kick through fallen leaves in the park, splash through puddles and walk through the icy snow. But what does this really mean for your feet and footwear? What is lurking?

Up, Up And Away With Flying Feet!

So why do feet swell when you fly? – I’m afraid this is another of those wonderful age related phenomenon that is not just a hazard of flying as many of you know!

Feet can swell for a number of reasons, excess weight, poor circulation, pregnancy, bone or joint injury, medication related or, as often as in the case of flying, from prolonged sitting in one position.

The Danger of Self Diagnosis of the Feet!

Bearing in mind how important our feet are to us and how we rely so heavily on them, it never ceases to amaze me just how little attention we afford them. If you think about it, if you had tooth ache would you be tempted to have a go at solving the problem yourself? So why then is it that many people have no qualms at all about a bit of self diagnosis and treatment of the feet?

These are typical examples

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