A generic silhouette of a person.

Carolyn Asome

Embracing Winter

Try as we might, there aren’t many reasons to embrace winter this year. An underlying jittery panic even for the sunniest amongst us, restrictions which seem to change hourly, SAD to add to the list since the clocks went back, not to mention the frustration of not being able to plan anything properly for at least the next five months.

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Being Nice Is Not A Sign Of Weakness

Being nice: it’s not up there in today’s pantheon of qualities to aspire to where 24/7 bionic-ness, time-efficiency, ever-whizzyness seem to mostly hog the limelight. How many of us actually remember to be nice to each other on a daily basis?

Possibly because being nice has an image problem that would tax even the savviest of brand consultants. Nice as an adjective sounds so ‘meh’, a touch wet , so middle of the road, so boring , unsexy, just so… undynamic.

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