Weekend Read 9 September 2023

Weekend Read 9 September 2023

As I welcome you to another Weekend Read, the first thing I need to do is to thank so many of you for contacting me last weekend.  I have always believed that it is of the greatest importance that we protect ourselves, as I wrote last weekend and, as I also wrote, we do this on so many different levels.  So, I would like to begin with a new supplement, which we believe is in a class of its own and out-performs all that has gone before, in its genre. 

We’ll start at the beginning.  Scientists discovered NAD+ in 1906 and since that time our understanding of this compound has expanded.  NAD, or NAD+, is an acronym of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide and it is the second most abundant molecule in the body after water.  NAD supplements and their potential benefits have been widely discussed over recent years, notably in the quest for compounds that help to slow down ageing and one of the most important compounds in this respect is NAD+.

NAD+ is found in the cells of virtually every organism and as such it is an enabler of multiple processes in our bodies, including the production of energy from nutrients and its role as an enzyme for metabolic processes, cell function and DNA repair, together with numerous other processes.  Levels of NAD+ decline with age and scientists believe that this decline is linked to numerous age-related disorders and diseases, stating that if we can restore our NAD+ levels, then our cells become healthier, allowing them to perform optimally.  And we can.

Most specifically, NAD+ enhances the functions of eight cellular anti-ageing mechanisms, thus helping to slow down the ageing process as demonstrated and evidenced in various studies and clinicals, but there is an issue and that issue is that NAD supplementation will not increase NAD+ levels in the body by any notable amount as it is unstable and readily deactivated.  Because of these issues, precursors of NAD+ have emerged, notably Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), NADH and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, NMN, which has recently been banned by the FDA and it is now also banned in the UK and Europe.

I want to make it very clear, NMN has not been banned for safety reasons, in fact there are any number of clinicals supporting its safety, but it has been banned for political reasons, namely a pharmaceutical company want NMN classified as a drug, not a supplement.  Whatever the reasons, it is no longer available as a supplement, but as we all know, research is ongoing and although NMN certainly had its moment, and quite rightly so, further research has now shown a far better pathway to increase NAD+ levels without the need for the conversion of the NMN molecule into NR, further explained in Shabir’s article, which is all quite fascinating.

I suppose this is rather hypothetical, but if NMN was still available, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have recommended that we change over to a new patented extract, RiaGev®-WS™, which out-performs Nicotinamide Ribose (NR) and Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN), essentially because its bioavailability is significantly better and there is no risk of losing its effectiveness during the digestive process.  It combines Bioenergy Ribose with Vitamin B3 to enhance NAD+ levels markedly more so than NMN or NR supplementation.

So please allow me to introduce you to NAD+ Generator, which we believe to be the next-generation NAD+ supplement. It is being recognised as a new leading precursor supplement for longevity, so let me also add that NAD+ Generator will also help enhance ATP levels for energy and GSH (glutathione) for oxidative stress.  Clinically proven to help slow down cellular ageing, the efficacy of RiaGev®-WS™ has been extensively documented, which is a critical factor for any nutrient.

Like so many, I did take NMN, but of course I am now taking NAD+ Generator and as I invite you to join me, I think we should celebrate the research and development of a supplement which will have far-reaching and significant benefits for each of us. And I will do so by launching NAD+ at £29 across the weekend, after which it will become £32.  And yes, this is the supplement that I said would blow everything else in its genre out of the water, I think I have written that twice over the past couple of months, so I’ve just written it for a third time.  And I’ll stop there. 
VH Editorial: Are NAD Supplements Beneficial; NAD+ Generator £29 for 30 Capsules (offer ends at midnight BST, Sunday 10 September at which time the price becomes £32)

At the beginning of the year, I wrote that we would be launching several new supplements this year and NAD+ Generator is the last new supplement launch of the year.  It sits alongside Turmeric Curcumin C3 Complex, Magnesium Complex, Sleep Tight Plus and Daily Multivitamins, all of which we believe to be best-in class in their respective genres.  I suppose that the inclusion of the ingredient BioPerine® into our HA Capsules was another big moment, as it dramatically increased efficacy.  So before anybody asks if NAD+ Generator is a substitute for HA, the answer is no, they each stand alone.  In the realm of independently researched brilliance.
Hyaluronic Acid Capsules High Strength £35 for 30 Capsules

If I am talking about the new supplements we have launched this year, then just a few more words about Magnesium Complex, which I wrote about last weekend.  A lack of Magnesium has been linked to sleep deprivation, and I know I wrote last weekend that I am forever talking about sleep deprivation, but just to say here that Shabir has written an article on this subject.  I think he decided to write it after reading my words last weekend, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, I couldn’t share it last weekend because I didn’t have it, but I have it now, so I’m sharing it now.  Without saying another word.  About timing.
VH Editorial: Can You Take Magnesium For Sleep; Magnesium Complex £22 for 60 Capsules

If I may, I would now like to throw the focus on Vitamin K.  Often labelled as the ‘forgotten vitamin’, it is only in the past few years that Vitamin K2 has become recognised extensively, and whilst nutrients such as Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D3 play a vital role in maintaining and promoting bone health, evidence is increasingly pointing to the numerous benefits of Vitamin K for bone metabolism and healthy bone growth.  It also contributes to normal blood clotting.

The Danish scientist, Dr Henrik Dam, discovered Vitamin K in 1929, the letter K standing for koagulation, essential for blood clotting.  There are three main forms of Vitamin K, K1 (phylloquinone), K2 (menaquinone) and K3 (menadione synthetic variant), the latter of which we recommend avoiding.  K1 is found in green leafy vegetables, including broccoli, spinach and lettuce, but in recent years there has been much research on K2, which has been shown to help decrease fractures.  Since 1995, K2 has been approved in Japan for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, which is really interesting as Japan has a far lower incidence of osteoporosis than we do.

So, if we are to supplement with Vitamin K, it needs to be said that as there are variants on Vitamin K, there are sub-types of K2 with the most important being MK-4 and MK-7.  It is these sub-types that have been the subject of several studies which have been shown to confirm their benefits to bones, teeth and the heart, which is why we recommend Super K, a supplement which carries these sub-types.
VH Editorial: Vitamin K2: Benefits, Food Sources & Side Effects; Super K by Life Extension £23 for 90 Softgels

There are any number of health concerns, some are really common and then there are those which are little known. So I would like to talk about Burning Mouth Syndrome, which is little known, and it is a condition where you feel a burning or hot sensation in the mouth, although this could be localised to the lips or tongue. It may also be accompanied with a dry mouth and/or an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

It is thought that this burning sensation increases at times of stress and research has shown that it seems to be more common in women, and although we do not fully understand the causes of Burning Mouth Syndrome, it is thought that this condition is possibly caused by the malfunctioning of the nerves, which may be linked to a Vitamin B12 deficiency, particularly in people over the age of 50 since Vitamin B12 absorption is compromised as we age.  There is also a link to hormonal imbalances.

The benefits of Vitamin B12 are widespread, but referencing Burning Mouth Syndrome specifically, B12 works to maintain normal nerve growth and function.  B12 Elite provides two highly absorbable sources of Vitamin B12, so we do recommend that supplement, but we also recommend Hylamints if you have dry mouth symptoms.  Hylamints are treatment lozenges which contain HA, Slippery Elm and other herbs to help encourage moisture balance in the mouth and enhance salivary function.
VH Editorial: Treatment For Burning Mouth Syndrome; B12 Elite by Life Extension £14 for 60 Lozenges; Hylamints £16 for 60 Lozenges

Right, let’s do some updates and the first thing I want to say here is that the demand for Daily Immunity was immense after I wrote about it on the last Weekend Read.  I was not at all concerned that Daily Immunity flipped onto pre-order status over the weekend because I knew that we had a further delivery scheduled for last Monday morning, so as such we wouldn’t have a wait list.  Except our consignment got lost in transit, so the story goes, which meant we had a wait list. 

My apologies and even though I don’t believe half of the stories I am told, it is my responsibility to ensure you receive your orders in a timely fashion, wherever I can.  This is not always possible, I absolutely know that and I have written much about raw ingredient shortages for a very long time now, but behind the scenes I am ranting incessantly about extortionate shipping costs and the lack of professionalism across that industry. I can’t change that, it seems to be an inherent issue, but what I can do is retain the lowered price on Daily Immunity across this weekend too, which dropped from £29 to £26.  Our immunity is really important.  I’m so sorry.
VH Editorial: A Daily Supplement That Supercharges Your Immunity; Daily Immunity £26 for 60 Capsules (offer ends at midnight BST, Sunday 10 September)

And if we are dropping prices, then please let me tell you that we are dropping the price of all the Zooki products across this weekend by 20%.  There are no exceptions, there are no restrictions, unless something goes out of stock, but we will honour all orders placed before midnight BST, tomorrow, unless something totally unforeseen happens, but all things being equal we should be fine and if we are not, we will of course let you know.
Zooki Products (offer ends at midnight BST, Sunday 10 September)

Forgive me, I’m a week late with this, but as most of you know we do monthly special offers on some of the Temple Spa products so, for the month of September, we are offering two different twin packs.  The first is the Easy On The Eye Twin Pack which has a product value of £42, but that price drops to £31, representing a saving of £11.  Easy On The Eye is a gentle eye make-up remover and soothing eye solution, which also helps to refresh tired, gritty eyes. 
Easy On The Eye Twin Pack by Temple Spa £31 (with a saving of £11)

Temple Spa’s Toning Essence is an alcohol-free toner in a spray which has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and calming action.  It is often used as a cooling facial spritz and it also helps to hydrate parched skin, particularly if you are flying.  If you use it for this purpose, then you will have to decant it into a smaller container as the size of the product is 150 ml, but never mind that.  The Toning Essence Twin Pack also has a product value of £42, but drops to £31, representing a saving of £11.
Toning Essence Twin Pack by Temple Spa £31 (with a saving of £11)

Let’s do something from Weleda and that something goes like this.  If you spend £10 on any Weleda product, or products, in one order, we will automatically include Skin Food Body Lotion (200 ml), which has a value of £14.95.  Skin Food Body Lotion is loaded with essential fatty acids and pure plant extracts and although it is intensely rich, it easily absorbs into the skin.  This is a very limited offer, so if Skin Food Body Lotion fails to go into your basket, that will mean that the offer is over.  And it may not last that long.
Weleda Products

Finally, I have another one of those oversized Garden of Wisdom serums to share with you.  This time it is 100% Pure Prickly Pear Seed Oil, which remains one of our bestselling serums as it has numerous beauty benefits, which Shabir explains in his article, linked below.  The price of Prickly Pear is £22 for 30 ml, but whilst stock lasts you will receive 45 ml for the same price.  Native to Morocco and India, Prickly Pear Seed Oil has a rich source of Vitamin E and is loaded with essential fatty acids, antioxidants and polyphenols.  Multi-functional, it can also be used as a treatment for dull and lacklustre hair. 
VH Editorial: Beauty Benefits of Prickly Pear Seed Oil; 100% Pure Prickly Pear Seed Oil by Garden of Wisdom for VH £22 for 45 ml (whilst stock lasts)

As we go into the Saturday only treat, I am more than aware that I often share this gift, but I do so with good reason because I think Spacemasks are totally amazing as they help relax us before we fall to sleep, and in fact they very often do send us to sleep.  So, with every order placed for £35 and above, excluding p&p, we will automatically send you a Spacemask* to take to bed with you.  I could add something to that, but I won’t.

At the beginning of this newsletter, I thanked the many of you who contacted me last weekend after I wrote that I had gone legal because of an attempt to weaken and undermine us.  I still can’t say much more other than it is staggering the lengths that people will go to for their own self-gain, but this is much-evidenced in the health and beauty industry, so much so that I have two lawyers protecting me on two separate issues.

I really didn’t ask for any of this, but it is what it is and in many differing ways, this affects all of us.  It demonstrates a deplorable state of moral corruption and if you think I am playing with fire, I probably am because there are some big names here, but I see it rather differently because it is in fact those names who are playing with fire because, together with my lawyers, I am sitting on evidence that could disrupt the status quo of disruption. This would make an interesting documentary. Let’s sing a song.  And it is in fact our theme tune.  We sing it when we need to. 
We Shall Overcome by Bruce Springsteen And The Seegar Sessions Band; The VH Playlist

With love

Gill x 


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Prices and products advertised at times of sending and publishing are subject to change and availability.

*Free gifts will only be granted if the items purchased are physical products and your total basket value exceeds the required amount noted.  Saturday only treats are subject to change should the specified gift run out prior to your purchase and are only included in orders placed between 7.45am (GMT) and Midnight (GMT) on the Saturday the Weekend Read is sent.  VH Addicts membership is a digital product and therefore will be excluded from the basket value.  Some gifts are blocked from international shipping due to local limitations imposed based on the country destination.  If this is the case, we will replace the gift with one that is able to be shipped to your destination.